The Story Safe

One of the challenges we see nonprofit leaders face is remembering and finding impactful stories to share with their donors. Sometimes they really need to dig deep to find a story they think is compelling enough to share; and it’s not because the stories are few, in fact, those compelling could-be stories are probably happening on a daily basis. They’re just not being captured and stored.

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks that come with running your organization and overlook those impactful moments that your donors would love to hear about. In this video, we share the solution to capturing great stories and saving them for the moments you need them most.

The Story Safe tactic will help you capture compelling stories about your nonprofit. Just follow these steps:

  1. Download our Story Safe Template or pick up a ​One Line a Day Journal

  2. Spend 60-90 seconds to write out the most memorable thing that happened that day. This could be about someone you helped, an employee that went above and beyond, or anything that stood out to you that day. It doesn’t need to be significant and all you need is a few details to jog your memory.

  3. At the end of each month, go through your Story Safe and highlight your favorites

  4. Reference your Story Safe when you’re prepping for a donor meeting, writing an email or letter update, or posting on social media.

If you’d like to learn more about how to tell a compelling story, you’ll want to read this book by Matthew Dicks called Storyworthy. This is one of the best books we’ve read on storytelling and how to engage your audience.

Start your Story Safe today and begin capturing those compelling stories your donors will want to hear.

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